The small Yamaha was used in its original form for a quarter of a century on the Jutland peninsula in Denmark. It was then bought by a girl from Copenhagen, who started working on it. Helle Bang and her boyfriend Jesper turned the motorbike into a brat-style street tracker. The bike was given Tommaselli handlebars and Coker Diamond tyres (4.5 x 18). Today, a Triumph exhaust silencer ensures that it is not too loud. It has Biltwell handlebar grips and is fitted with Hagon shock absorbers which help to maintain the correct suspension. Helle made the seat and the small bag containing the lithium battery herself using a Pfaff industrial sewing machine. During the final phase of the process, Sapka corrected errors made during the transformation, polished the frame and ensured that the bike is safe to ride.
The following hungarian article details the story of this motorbike.
You can also find photos in this Flickr album.